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Android studio “SDK tools directory is missing”

Following 2 possible solutions will resolve this problem :  Solution1 : To fix the problem, it was required that I list the path to my corporate PAC file by using  Configure -> "Appearance and Behavior" -> System Settings -> HTTP Proxy . I selected "Automatic proxy configuration url:" Delete your  ~/.Android*  folders (losing all of your settings :/). Run Android Studio. It will show you a welcome wizard where it tries to download the SDK again (and fails due to my rubbish internet). Click the X on the wizard window. That will enable you to get to the normal welcome dialog. Go to Settings->Project Defaults->Project Structure and change the Android SDK location to the correct one. Solution 2 : To fix the problem, it was required that I list the path to my corporate PAC file by using  Configure -> "Appearance and Behavior" -> System Settings -> HTTP Proxy . I selected "Automatic proxy configuration url:&quo

connect internet in android emulator (or) no internet connection in android emulator

In order to use internet on emulator if you are setting behind a proxy server perform the following steps:
  1. Go to settings->Wireless & networks->mobile networks->Access Point Names.
  2. Press menu button. an option menu will appear.
  3. from the option menu select New APN.
  4. Click on Name. provide name to apn say My APN.
  5. Click on APN. Enter www.
  6. Click on Proxy. enter your proxy server IP. you can get it from internet explorers internet options menu.
  7. click on Port. enter port number in my case it was 8080. you can get it from internet explorers internet options menu.
  8. Click on User-name. provide user-name in format domain\user-name. generally it is your systems login.
  9. Click on password. provide your systems password.
  10. press menu button again and you will get option menu on bottom of emulator , press save button.
  11. now open your browser again,and try to connect any website. 
  12. hope its work for you it worked for me. good luck.
